A Primer in the Art of Deception: The Cult of Nuclearists, Uranium Weapons and Fraudulent Science


Author Paul Zimmerman from USA was in Sweden 15-23 March 2011. See www.nonuclear.se/zimmerman

Framtiden efter Fukushima (Helsingborgs Dagblad och hd.se 20 mars 2011)

Emil Schön läser Paul Zimmermans uppgörelse med decennier av kärnkraftspropaganda, "A Primer in the art of deception", och påminner om det få talar om i dag: att riskerna med Fukushima är långsiktiga.

Boken kan beställas för 290 kr plus porto på info @ milkas.se.

Se också:

Source: www.du-deceptions.com/

Excerpts from Chapter 6: The Most Heinous Crime in History: The Betrayal of Mankind by the Radiation Protection Agencies (8 pp., PDF, 58 KB).

Chapter 6: The Most Heinous Crime in History: The Betrayal of Mankind by the Radiation Protection Agencies; with an excerpt of Chapter 5: Radiation Safety in Its Infancy: 1895-1953; with Table of Contents and the bibliography for Chapter 6 (PDF, 859 KB).

Other Free PDF Excerpts (Chapters 5 and 6 above and the four exerpts below in one file, 1.17 MB)

Are Uranium Weapons Made of Uranium? (PDF, 162 KB)
The Corrupted Hiroshima Life Span Study (PDF, 173 KB)
Scam Number One (PDF, 122 KB)
Scam Number Thirty-Nine (PDF, 91 KB)


A Primer in the Art of Deception: The Cult of Nuclearists, Uranium Weapons and Fraudulent ScienceDepleted uranium is a fascinating topic of study. Turn over any facet of the subject and what scurries out from underneath into the light of day are lies and subterfuge, distortions of truth and scientific fraud. To attain a panoramic vision of the guile that impregnates the subject of depleted uranium, one needs to recognize that, by its very nature, everything about DU can be nothing other than duplicitous. Disingenuousness is an inherent property of DU, as intrinsic to it as its density or specific activity. This is not because of what DU is or what it does, but because of what it points to.

The official agencies that set standards for radiation safety have artfully manipulated the pivotal concepts of dose and risk to perpetuate an archaic and inaccurate understanding of radiation effects. In so doing, these organizations, to which the whole world turns for guidelines, promulgates as safe levels of exposure to radionuclides which are hazardous. This intentional corruption of scientific fact is what has allowed the nuclear establishment to pursue its agenda with impunity while leaving in its wake an epidemic of ailing victims whose health has been destroyed by internal contamination.

The price for each book is $35.00 USD plus $5 for shipping in the US. Due to the weight of the book (1 Kg/2 lbs) shipping charges to Canada are $12 and $23 for worldwide shipping.

