General timetable for SKB’s nuclear waste programme and decommissioning of the nuclear power plants 2016-2090

söndag 31 december 2090

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Source: Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. (Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB, SKB). April 2017. “Plan 2016. Costs from and including 2018 for the radioactive residual products from nuclear power. Basis for fees and guarantees for the period 2018-2020.” Technical Report TR-17.02. 52 pp. See p. 23. Available at:

This so-called “Plan Report” is the financial data for the research and development programme, which is presented in hte following seperate report.

Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. (Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB, SKB). September 2016.  "Programme for research, development and demonstration of methods for the management and disposal of nuclear waste." Technical Report TR-16-15. 314 pp. Available at

General timetable for SKB’s nuclear waste programme 2016-2050