About Milkas
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The Swedish Environmental Movement's Nuclear Waste Secretariat
(Miljörörelsens kärnavfallssekretariat, Milkas)
Tegelviksgatan 40, 116 41 Stockholm. Tel. +46-70 298 97 47. E-mail: info (@) milkas.se.
Milkas welcomes proposals for cooperation.
Milkas contributes to fulfilling Sweden's environmental objective "a safe radiation environment". As radioactive material is a pollutant, additional environmental objectives affected are: clean air, a non-toxic environment, good-quality groundwater, a balanced marine environment, and flourishing coastal areas and archipelagos. Milkas monitors issues nationally and internationally related to radioactive waste. We assist national, regional and local environmental organizations in their work on the nuclear waste issue, and provides impartial information about the management of radioactive waste in Sweden. We participate in public participation processes within the framework of environmental impact assessments according to the Environmental Code, the Nuclear Technology Act, EU Directives, and the Espoo Convention, as well as in the environmental court.
The Swedish Anti-nuclear Movement (Folkampanjen mot kärnkraft-kärnvapen) and
Women for Peace (Kvinnor för fred)
The Swedish Environmental Movement's Nuclear Waste Secretariat (Miljörörelsens kärnavfallssekretariat, Milkas) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation founded in October 2004 by the national anti-nuclear group The Swedish Anti-nuclear Movement (Folkkampanjen mot kärnkraft-kärnvapen, FMKK) and Friends of the Earth, Sweden (Jordens Vänner, JV), the Swedish branch of Friends of the Earth International. In May 2019 Friends of the Earth left Milkas and became a member of the Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review (Miljöorganisationernas kärnavfallsgranskning, MKG). Also in May 2019, the Swedish organisations Green Women (Gröna kvinnor) and The Swedish Renewable Energies Organization (Sveriges Energiföreningars Riksorganisation, SERO) became members of Milkas. Green Women left Milkas 31 December 2020. SERO left Milkas 31 December 2022. Women for Peace and Falu Environmental Group joined Milkas in January 2023. Falu Environmental Group left Milkas in March 2023.
The Milkas statutes state:
The purpose of the association is to follow and critically scrutinize all projects dealing with management of radioactive waste, and to work for the best long-term and environmentally sound management method.
- monitors issues dealing with long-lived radioactive waste nationally and internationally,
- supports the work of national, regional and local environmental organisations on the nuclear waste issue,
- contributes towards making information related to the nuclear waste management public participation process more comprehensive,
- takes part in the public participation process within the framework of the environmental impact assessment review process according to the Swedish Environmental Code, The Act on Nuclear Activities (In Swedish), European Union Directives, and the Espoo Convention, and takes part in cases in the Environmental Court.
Roland von Malmborg, Chairperson, e-mail: rolandvonmalmborg (@) milkas.se
Home tel.: 08 717 15 88, mobile: 073 022 43 55