Nuclear Controversies (Film on the health effects of the 1986 Chernobyl accident, 51 mins.)

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Nuclear Controversies, Feldat FilmProduced by Wladimir Tchertkoff, Feldat Film, 6945 Origilo. Switzerland. Filmed in The Ukraine. 2004. English subtitles, 51 minutes.
Wladimir Tchertkoff (1935) was born in Serbia. He is a journalist and has directed over 60 documentaries, among which Nous de Chernobyl (1991).
This was filmed at an international conference in 2003 in Kiev, The Ukraine of the World Health Organisation and the Association of Physicians of Chernobyl. It captures a conspiracy to alter conference decisions the IAEA didn’t like.
See also: The Sacrifice (Film about clean up after the 1986 Chernobyl accident, 24 mins.)


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