Canada's Deadly Secret - Saskatchewan Uranium and the Global Nuclear System

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By Jim Harding, Foreword by Helen Caldicott
272 pp • ISBN: 9781552662267 • $24.95 • October

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Canada’s Deadly Secret chronicles the struggle over Saskatchewan’s uranium mining, the front end of the global nuclear system. It demonstrates the negative impacts on Aboriginal rights and environmental health, and the effect of free trade, in tracing Saskatchewan’s pivotal role in nuclear proliferation with its spread of contamination and cancer. Jim Harding shows that nuclear energy cannot address global warming; nor is there a “peaceful atom.” The book goes inside biased public inquiries, exposing PR campaigns of half-truths and untruths, and indicts the penetration of nuclear propaganda into our schools. Canada’s Deadly Secret also highlights successes in holding back nuclear expansion. It presents an alternative, ecological vision for a sustainable future that not only takes up the invitation com­ing from renewable energies, but also links energy, environment, health, peace and sovereignty.

“Harding exposes the role the government played in perpetuating nuclear propa­ganda through the disinformation of campaigns of its covert Uranium Secretariat and penetration of the public education curriculum... He also explores the deadly corporate planning processes that reveal the growing partnership between the oil and nuclear industries.” Harding “unveils the dark side of nuclear politics in his home province, which bears the distinction of of being the largest uranium-producing region in the world and he challenges us to explore how Canada has consistently been complicit and instrumental in the expansion of the global nuclear system.” — Helen Caldicott

Jim Harding is a retired profes­sor of environmental and justice studies. He is a founding member of the Regina Group for a Non-Nuclear Society and International Uranium Congress and was direc­tor of research for Prairie Justice Research at the University of Regina, where he headed up the Uranium Inquiries Project. Jim also acted as Prairie Corresponent for Nuclear Free Press and consult­ant to the nfb award-winning film Uranium.

Contents: Foreword by Helen Caldicott • Preface: Telling the Story as it Unfolded • Introduction: One World, One Future • Side-Stepping Social Impact and Aboriginal Rights: Cluff Lake Inquiry • NDP Government Disinformation Campaign: Uranium Secretariat • Challenging Nuclear Scientism: Warman Uranium Refinery Hearings • Uranium Blowback: Boycott, Policy Flip-Flop and Spills • The Corporate Agenda: Profitable Uranium and Nuclear Comeback Strategy • Free Trade and Sovereignty: The Uranium Connection • Northern Opposition Mounts: Another Spill, Collusion Backfires • The National Film Board Releases “Uranium” in the North • Drawing the Line: “No!” to Nuclear Power • Nuclear Waste: The Common Sense Solution • Entering the Nuclear Den: Debating History, Technology and Ideology • Going for Broke: Uranium-Nuclear Alliance Distorts Energy Options • Inside the Nuclear Industry’s Trojan Horse: The Saskpower-AECL MOU • The Dark Side of Nuclear Politics: One Last Go at the Inquiries • Global Education on the Nuclear Controversy • Diseconomics of the Nuclear Industry: Inefficiencies, Inflated Demand and Hidden Costs • Out of the Nuclear Closet: With a Small Green Plan • Our Deadly Secret: Saskatchewan’s Continuing Role In Nuclear Weapons

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